Rain Bird has appointed KSAB Utemiljö AB. as its exclusive golf distribution partner for Sweden.
KSAB first opened in the early 1980’s in Västerås, providing a range of golf equipment products and services to golf courses, sports fields, landscapes, parks and gardens across Scandinavia. In 2011 KSAB became a Rain Bird customer and began supplying irrigation products and services.
Anders Stålberg, irrigation sales manager at KSAB Utemiljö comments, “We have an expert management team which includes engineers, mechanics, and former golf course managers. With over 150 years’ combined experience in this region, the knowledge and outstanding customer service that our sales and technical teams deliver set us apart. We are honoured to be appointed as an exclusive distributor, entrusted with the Rain Bird brand and given the opportunity to take Rain Bird presence in the Swedish golf market to the next level.”
Jimmy Sandison, Regional Golf Sales Manager Rain Bird for the UK, Ireland, Iceland & Scandinavia adds,
“Rain Bird and KSAB have had a successful partnership for many years. As KSAB distribute the majority of our products, they were the obvious choice for meeting Rain Bird’s objective for sole golf distribution in Sweden. The Scandinavian market is tremendously important to Rain Bird so providing assurance for continuity of support and development long term was paramount and we trust KSAB to deliver that.
We see markets adapting worldwide as the demand for knowledge and education about water management and sound irrigation practices grows, and Scandinavia is no exception. With KSAB, fully committed to supporting our contracting and industry partners in Sweden with product knowledge and experience, we are in an excellent position to support this demand, providing technologies and education as part of out our commitment for the ‘Intelligent Use of Water’. I am excited for Rain Bird, for the industry and for the future of golf in Sweden.”