This April, European Institute of Golf Course Architects Association Gold Partner Rain Bird attended its Annual Meeting focussed on the development of the next generation of golf resorts. Topical issues covered during the one day conference spanned water management, technology-driven agronomy, player expectations and changing hospitality trends.
International speakers were invited to share their perspective and professional insights and included Ben Martin, Economics Practice Director, Advisory Principal, HKS; Mark Chapleski, Executive Vice President, Troon International and Dan Hinch, Vice President, Senior Project Planner and Landscape Architect, WATG.
The event was hosted in Belek, an area with the highest density of golf resorts in Turkey, currently one of the most popular countries as a golf destination.
Stuart Tate, European Golf Specification Manager at Rain Bird commented,
“This year’s meeting was hosted in a stunning location where golf resort development is rapidly accelerating. From our perspective, it was good to meet many more architects coming from further afield – from Sweden, the USA and Dubai – and to be able to introduce the different members of Rain Bird’s European golf sales team that supports the industry and resort development.”
Over a hundred EIGCA members, partners and patrons gathered in Belek and were given an opportunity to experience two of the region’s stunning golf courses – Carya Golf Club, designed by EIGCA members Tim Lobb and Philip Spogárd and Montgomerie Maxx Royal, designed by Gary Johnston of European Golf Design.